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AppRising delivers insight into new broadband applications, exploring their impact on networks and their implications for public policy.

AppRising is written by Geoff Daily, who covers broadband applications and the business of online video. Based in Washington, DC, Geoff regularly advises applications developers, network operators, community leaders, and public officials on how to maximize adoption and use of the Internet.

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November 12, 2007 10:59 AM

Broadband Changes Lives! A Report from the Alliance for Public Technology

While on the road last week I unfortunately had to miss an event this past Wednesday on the Hill at which the Alliance for Public Technology released its 2007 report and announced the winners of its Broadband Changed My Life! campaign.

I'm currently reviewing the lengthy and fascinating report put together by Peter Backof now, and I hope to sit down for him to chat about the stories contained therein and his experiences compiling these stories later this week. So more on the specifics of these efforts soon.

But for now I just wanted to make sure you all were aware that this report had dropped. If you want to download the PDF, you can do so by clicking this link.

I'm a firm believer that the more we can do to celebrate the possibilities of broadband and highlight specific real-world examples where broadband applications are having positive impacts, that that will do nothing but help make the case for needing more broadband and greater adoption of broadband.

To that end, I'm going to be working on pulling together whatever resources like this I can find over the next few months so that we can begin to codify these experiences and translate them into actionable insights that can be shared between communities. If you have any suggestions on where to look for additional materials like this APT report, please feel encouraged to add a comment to this post with your thoughts.

If we are to succeed to the degree to which we are all capable and enabled by broadband to do so, then we must work together diligently to break down the silos that often exist between different parts of society in order to share information about best practices and success stories whenever and wherever possible.


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